Rafal Abramciow, Svitlana Symonenko

Rafal Abramciow

PhD in psychology, MA, philosophy, psychotherapist. His research interests concern the issues of the philosophy of psychology, phenomenology of psychology of emotions, psychology of personality and psychotherapy. He is the author of many articles in Polish, English and French, and a translator of French books in the field of philosophy, psychology of emotions and personality.

Svitlana Symonenko

dr hab. of psychology, professor. Her research interests focus on the problems of cognitive, general and developmental psychology. Author of more than 160 scientific and methodological works, including 7 monographs (4 co-authored) on the psychology of visual thinking, creativity and recreational psychology in Ukrainian, Polish and English. Professor of the Institute of Psychology of Odessa Pedagogical University and the Institute of Psychology Pedagogical University of Cracow.

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